The Joy of Unexpected Gifts
No program or work environment is successful without ongoing support and appreciation. Consistent gestures create an environment of kindness and positivity where people genuinely enjoy coming to work.
Can bosses be friends?
Keep the work environment inclusive. Friendships between bosses and subordinates makes this difficult to do.
The Danger of Breathing In Your Own Exhaust
When people fall in love with their own creation, they can lose the ability to see or hear anything to the contrary. As Lisa Gansky puts it, “whatever comes out of your mouth is all you’re inhaling.” It can be fatal.
Improve Work Culture with These Three Things
Bringing a little more of one or all of these basic needs may make a big difference to your work culture.
Positive Thinking or Managing Expectations?
For my entire life I have been a firm believer in the power of positive thinking. Then, I heard Ryan Holiday discussing Stoic wisdom. Now I’m not so sure…
3-Steps to Managing High Stakes Situations
Maintain your focus in high-stakes situations with these 3-steps.
Improve Work and Life with This One Strategy
Bring humour and playfulness into your personal and professional life. Witness how your day changes by altering your perspective.
How Skillful Questioning Can Help You Improve
Knowing the difference between skillful questioning and corrosive questioning is a key ingredient to finding success.
How Mindful Listening Impacts Work Culture
In today’s busy workplace, one of the biggest challenges is to truly listen. When we cultivate the skill of mindful listening, we can become more effective at our job while also improving relationships with colleagues, partners, and clients.
How Adding Humour into New Ventures Changes Perspective
Bring humour and playfulness into your professional and personal life. Witness how your day changes with this change in perspective.
On the Road Again: Getting and Keeping the Right People on the Bus
To make a good company great (or even a mediocre company better), you must hire the right people. This is the highest priority. If you don’t get this right, little else matters.
But I have often wondered, how do you get the right people on the bus? And once you get them there, how do you keep them?
Build Your Organization’s Culture with Three Simple Activities
Have you ever been in a business meeting listening to the discussion and wonder, why can’t people be more honest and transparent, able to admit when they’re wrong, need help, or missed their target?
Understanding what vulnerability looks like in the workplace and then working through these simple activities are bound to build trust in any organization.
How Peer Review Improves Organizations
Peer review is such a valuable tool and one that is underutilized. Organizations would be much stronger if peer reviews or feedback loops were authentically built into their every-day processes.