Changing Minds with the Power of Reframing
Learn how to motivate people and get better results with simple changes in how you talk about things. Get tips from experts like Dr. Greg Wells and Daniel Kahneman on making small tweaks to your messages that can make a big difference. Whether you're a boss, a health pro, or just someone trying to make a positive change, this guide has practical advice and real-world strategies to help you influence others and see real results.
Use Friction to Your Advantage
People are not inclined to do anything if there is friction - additional time, distance or effort is required. This is why we often procrastinate or don’t accomplish goals. However, while friction often works against us, we can use it to our advantage. Here’s how.
How to Become More Successful at Work
Building relationships, especially with a mentor and a sponsor, is key to the success of any person’s career or business. Soft touchpoints or frequent interactions are easy ways to establish them.
Goal Setting for 2023
Let go of traditional goal setting in 2023. Instead, adopt a yogic philosophy - give 100% to whatever task you’re doing but remain detached from the outcome. It may bring more enjoyment and balance to your life.
How to “Win” an Argument
Stop trying to win an argument the old fashioned way. Instead, try listening, staying open minded, being curious, asking genuine questions, finding common ground, and modeling confident humility. This behaviour is much more effective at getting people to rethink their position.
A Step in Another Direction
In a society where moving up the ladder and getting a promotion seems to be the ultimate goal, lateral moves are underestimated and undervalued. However, I would argue, they are even more important.
Are You an Imposter?
Moments of doubt will happen, but it doesn’t mean you lack ability or confidence. It usually means you’re stretching yourself and learning something new.
Sometimes You Have to Let Go
Occasionally there is no fix to a challenging situation. Sometimes you just have to let go.
Enjoy the Process
Buddhist monks spend hours, sometimes weeks, crafting elaborate sand mandalas – only to dismantle it once it has been completed. All that work is gone in seconds.
Like the mandala, the results of our work may one day be gone. However, it is the process that matters most; the work is our journey.
How to Stop Shredding Your Day Into Time Confetti
Time confetti. We’ve all experienced it - the loss of minutes and seconds to non-productive multi-tasking. It happens all the time. Not just with work time, but with leisure time too. Taking part in this simple, self-led, time-use study may be just what you need.
Building F.A.S.T. Confidence
When things go wrong, don’t lose confidence. Instead, analyze and fix the problem using the F.A.S.T. approach.
Expect the Unexpected
Don’t underestimate fleeting ideas or minor projects. They might be the most lasting.
Escape from Routine.
We all need to escape from our routines now and again. But we often can’t or don’t need a big break or an elaborate getaway. A day trip can be a perfect opportunity - a mini adventure in less than 12 hours.
Keep Up the Effort
Work, ideas and art can be good before they have been endorsed. Sometimes it takes time for greatness to be realized.
James Dyson once compared his business to long-distance running. The moment you feel tired is exactly when you should accelerate.
What NOT to Do When Leading an Online Workshop
I recently held a virtual workshop. It didn’t go as well as planned. But the experience showed me what didn’t work…
Letting Go of Limitations
When I was 23, I was in a head-on collision.
A lesson I can take away from this experience, almost twenty years later, is the importance of freeing myself from limiting thoughts.
Success is a Snowball
Whether it’s debt or any task you’ve been letting build up, start your snowball. Give yourself the push you need.