Learn from the Great Masters
Have you ever wondered how the most successful people or organizations became great? Often it is a lucky break coupled with a whole lot of preparation.
Exceptional Hiring Practices
Finding the right team is essential to any organization or business, and the right hiring processes can make all the difference. It is also easier than you think.
Discipline: It’s Not Sexy, But It Works
The level of discipline, structure, or organization you curate makes a huge impact. And it’s not that hard to do…
Job Crafting = Job Satisfaction
Avoid tedious routine at work and gain a sense of rejuvenation and purpose. All you need to do is “job craft”.
Do Carrots and Sticks work?
When stakes seem high and people aren’t producing, carrots and sticks often start to show up. But does it work?
If You Can’t Do, Teach
If you can’t do, you should teach. You learn best by teaching. Don’t overlook the opportunity that teaching can provide. It can make a big impact on you and others.
Why You Need a Coach
I have been a teacher for 17 years. In the first few years of work, my practice improved daily. However, after a few years, I noticed that my teaching plateaued. It wasn’t until I worked with an instructional coach that it really started to grow.
Why We Need to Add Goldilocks to Our Lives
To motivate people we need to assign Goldilocks Tasks - challenges that are neither overly difficult, nor overly simple. Finding that sweet spot brings joy and purpose into our lives.
Small Changes Can Make Big Differences
Friday night, date night! What a great way to end the week. Or so I thought…
Slower Can Be Better
For decades I have believed that more is more. Then I decided to stop striving. Somehow, I achieved greater quality by working less.
Managing Expectations
About 15 years ago I presented at one of my first academic conferences. I am not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this.
The Danger of Breathing In Your Own Exhaust
When people fall in love with their own creation, they can lose the ability to see or hear anything to the contrary. As Lisa Gansky puts it, “whatever comes out of your mouth is all you’re inhaling.” It can be fatal.
Bookend Your Day to Achieve More Success
Bookend your day: get up early to anticipate the day, and then taking the time to complete an evening review. Improvement and increased success are likely.
Redefine Hard Work To Include Hard Thinking
“We need to redefine ‘hard work’ to include ‘hard thinking’. The person who outsmarts you is out working you. The person who finds shortcuts is out working you. The person with a better strategy is out working you. Usually, the hardest work is thinking of a better way to do it.” -J. Clear
Improve Work and Life with This One Strategy
Bring humour and playfulness into your personal and professional life. Witness how your day changes by altering your perspective.
Set the Direction of Your Business with this Simple Activity
Every organization needs to strategically plan to be successful. I know this from the academic work I have completed, and I also know this from the practical experience I’ve had working in the school system, with other community organizations, and co-managing my consulting firm. This is step one of the strategy.
How Adding Humour into New Ventures Changes Perspective
Bring humour and playfulness into your professional and personal life. Witness how your day changes with this change in perspective.
The Wisdom of the Fruit Tree
The average fruit tree does not bear fruit for at least 4-5 years. That means that it will take at least five years of pruning, tending, sunshine, and water before we reap the rewards of planting it. Like growing a fruit tree, learning a new skill is not much different.
Why Experts Don’t Make the Best Leaders
Expertise is important. But a narrow focus may not be the answer I once thought it was. People with range - those that have numerous outside experiences, who can draw on the knowledge of one area and apply it creatively to another – can think outside the box. Not try to stay within it.