The Wisdom of the Fruit Tree


The average fruit tree does not bear fruit for at least 4-5 years. That means that it will take at least five years of pruning, tending, sunshine, and water before we reap the rewards of planting it.

Even when it does bear fruit, we will need to continue to water, fertilize, and inspect it often for signs of insect and disease.

Like growing a fruit tree, learning a new skill is not much different. Malcolm Gladwell suggested that we need 10,000 hours to become a master of any skill. That means you must spend 20 hours a week, for 10 years, honing your craft.

Even when you’ve more or less mastered that craft, you still need to work on it. As we all know, if you don’t use it, you lose it.

In a culture that is used to instant gratification, the natural process of mastery may seem like an eternity. It is a common reason why people don’t grow food or master a skill. It takes a lot of time.

But maybe we’re missing the point. We shouldn’t focus on the end goal or “success”.

Enjoy the process, the progress. The tinkering and joy that comes from slow and sometimes surprising breakthroughs.


This can be a challenge. We’ve all likely experienced it – abandoning a job or a hobby because the progress doesn’t feel fast enough. We are impatient.

Perhaps it is the unknown that causes skepticism. We know fruit trees take several years before they bear fruit. Humans are less predictable. We have no clue if our efforts will bear fruit.

Sometimes, rarely, we hear of these insane breakthroughs that people make. Instant success. 20-year-old millionaires. And we forget they are anomalies. They are the extremely rare exception to the rule.

Almost all of us, if we stick to it, are old masters. We plod along, experiencing small gains, incremental success. We can and should learn from those who paved the road before us. That helps speed up the process, but it doesn’t eliminate the struggle. Quality takes time.

Your work, like the fruit tree, will likely require years of preparation and effort before you enjoy the fruits of your labour. The key may be patience, stamina, or determination. It may be finding the right passion project or the right person to partner with.

Dedicating ourselves to the effort is likely to result in a quality product or experience. It just takes time. It is also likely to make success even sweeter.

Best wishes, Lauren

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