Six Steps to Clear Goals and Concrete Results
As an entrepreneur, I’ve often struggled with defining what success looks like. There’s always that nagging feeling that I should be doing more, especially when I fall into the trap of comparing myself to others. But I realized this pressure was rooted in not having a clear definition of success for myself.
That clarity came from an unexpected source: Napoleon Hill’s bestselling book, Think and Grow Rich. Although it primarily focuses on achieving financial wealth, the steps it outlines are incredibly useful for any goal, big or small. These steps have reshaped my understanding of success, and they might just do the same for you.

The Dance of Business Planning and Possibilities
There is a delicate dance between business planning and crafting a business plan.
Business planning broadens horizons and prompts entrepreneurs to consider multiple scenarios, obstacles, and opportunities. In contrast, a rigid plan can narrow your viewpoint, potentially limiting your ability to explore the many dimensions of possibilities.
Successful entrepreneurs must strike a balance between dedication to a plan and flexibility. It requires an openness to revise the roadmap when needed.

Hire Better Employees with This Interview Process
While finding the right hire can be challenging, a streamlined interview process will help find the right candidate. By following the steps outlined here, you might discover it is much easier to find the right person for the job than you’ve experienced before.

The Dark Side to Goal Planning
There are endless amounts of research that backs up the importance of setting goals. It motivates teams, guides action, and encourages persistence. However, there is also a dark side to goal setting. There are lots of things we need to be wary about when we set goals for ourselves and our teams.

What NOT to Do When Leading an Online Workshop
I recently held a virtual workshop. It didn’t go as well as planned. But the experience showed me what didn’t work…

How to Bundle Change
With the New Year in the not-so-distant future, it is common for people to start thinking about improvements they’d like to make. But rather than concentrating on one change at a time, bundling change may be more effective.

Create Clarity with a Weekly Review
A few years ago, after putting in a 60+ hour work week, I felt exhausted. I loved my job. But at this particular moment, I needed to be reminded why I was doing what I was doing. Then I remembered these six questions.

How to Avoid Cotton Candy Business Planning
Cotton candy strategic planning. You may have experienced it. It isn’t much different than those pink tornadoes you’ve likely eaten at the summer fair. They always look like a good idea. But without any substance, the crash is almost always going to come.

Positive Thinking or Managing Expectations?
For my entire life I have been a firm believer in the power of positive thinking. Then, I heard Ryan Holiday discussing Stoic wisdom. Now I’m not so sure…

Set the Direction of Your Business with this Simple Activity
Every organization needs to strategically plan to be successful. I know this from the academic work I have completed, and I also know this from the practical experience I’ve had working in the school system, with other community organizations, and co-managing my consulting firm. This is step one of the strategy.

On the Road Again: Getting and Keeping the Right People on the Bus
To make a good company great (or even a mediocre company better), you must hire the right people. This is the highest priority. If you don’t get this right, little else matters.
But I have often wondered, how do you get the right people on the bus? And once you get them there, how do you keep them?

One Simple Way to Attract Your Ideal Client
Create clarity of who you are and what you stand for. Only then will you find the right partners and attract the right customers.

A Smart & Strategic Way to Success
If you’re looking for success, save yourself time and struggle. Mirror what is tried and true. Then tweak it to make it your own. Learning from those who paved the way before us, and then altering it to fit each unique context, is the key to success.