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Six Steps to Clear Goals and Concrete Results

As an entrepreneur, I’ve often struggled with defining what success looks like. There’s always that nagging feeling that I should be doing more, especially when I fall into the trap of comparing myself to others. But I realized this pressure was rooted in not having a clear definition of what success looks like for me.

The clarity I was looking for recently came from an unexpected source: Napoleon Hill’s bestselling book, Think and Grow Rich. Although it primarily focuses on achieving financial wealth, the steps it outlines are incredibly useful for any goal, big or small. These steps have reshaped my understanding of success, and they might just do the same for you too.

Step 1: Pinpoint Your Exact Goal

We often fall into the trap of setting vague goals. For example, saying "I want a successful business" or “I want to get into better shape” is too ambiguous. What does that really mean? More clients? More revenue? Losing 20 pounds? Gaining muscle?  Defining success means getting specific—identifying exactly what you want to achieve. The clearer your goals, the easier it is to reach them.

Step 2: Recognize Trade-Offs

Pursuing goals always involves sacrifices. For business, aiming for more clients might mean less leisure time and stepping back from other commitments. In a weight loss journey, it might mean skipping dessert or waking up early for a morning jog. It's vital to acknowledge what you are willing to give up to make room for your ambitions. This realization helps balance expectations and prepares for the realistic give-and-take of pursuing a dream.

Step 3: Establish a Concrete Timeline

A goal without a deadline is only a dream. Deadlines force you to commit and keep you motivated. I make my deadlines visible—marked on my calendar, with reminders on my phone, and notes around my workspace. This isn’t just about remembering the date; it's about creating a sense of urgency that keeps you moving forward, prevents procrastination, and fosters a mindset geared towards achievement.

Step 4: Create a Detailed Action Plan

Success doesn’t just happen; it requires a solid plan. Whether it's strategizing to attract new clients through marketing and networking or planning a diet and exercise regimen to lose weight, create your plan today and make it as detailed as possible. A detailed plan acts like a roadmap, guiding each step towards your goal while allowing flexibility to adapt as needed.

Step 5: Craft a Success Statement.

Create a clear and concise statement that summarizes your goal, the deadline, and the key actions you’ll take to achieve it. For business, it might be: “By December 31th, 2024, I will have earned $10,000 from my business which will come to me in in one lump sum or various amounts from time to time during the interim. In return for this money, I will build courses and deliver training/coaching in the most efficient service of which I am capable. I believe that I will have this money in my possession. My faith is so strong that I can now see this money before my eyes. I can touch it with my hands. 

For weight loss, it could be: “By December this year, I will lose 20 pounds by tracking my macros in a food diary and lifting weights for 45 minutes, four times a week. In return for this weight loss, I will give up some of my leisure time to go to the gym and track my macros. My faith is so strong that I can now see this weight loss before my eyes.” 

Refine your statement until it clearly states what you intend to achieve.

Step 6: Daily Affirmation of Your Goals

Twice a day, recite your success statement—once when you wake up and once before bed. This is Napoleon Hill’s powerful tool to keep goals at the forefront of our minds, ensuring every day starts and ends with purpose.

These steps are already transforming how I view and pursue success. Why not start the journey yourself?

As a challenge this week, I encourage you to define your goal. Then outline what you need to give up to achieve your goal, set a deadline, map out your plan, write down your success statement, and commit to reading it aloud twice a day.

Defining success is personal and so is the journey to achieving it. However, this strategy might just be the game-changer you need to reach those goals you’ve been dreaming of.

Best wishes,


P.S. If you're interested in creating a strategy for a business goal, big or small, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help guide you every step of the way.