Raise the Bar: How Upholding High Standards Can Transform Your Life

Have you ever been advised to lower your expectations? It’s a refrain I’ve heard my entire adult life. Whether selecting a university, navigating my romantic relationships or confronting challenging behaviors in the workplace, the advice has been consistent: "You need to lower your standards."

Despite this well-intentioned advice, I never compromised, though I often wondered: Was I indeed expecting too much?

This question has nagged at me for years but has recently surfaced in books and podcasts I’ve explored. The consensus is clear: we must maintain high standards in our life.

Standards dictate the life we have. Everything from our friendships and relationships to the cleanliness of our home boils down to our personal standards.

Think about it: if you value fitness, you’re not going to sabotage your health with frequent junk food binges or endless TV marathons. Similarly, if you value positivity and growth you wouldn’t settle for an uninspiring job or a toxic relationship. These often happen only because we've allowed our standards to accommodate these choices.

If you’re not satisfied with where you are—in your career, relationships, or personal growth—it's a signal that you need to elevate your standards. Exceptional lives aren't built on mediocrity; they are crafted by holding ourselves to higher expectations.

Strategies to Elevate Your Standards

  1. Define Who You Want to Be: Our current standards have created the lives we lead, but envisioning who we truly want to become can redefine these benchmarks. Start by asking yourself: What would the best version of myself not tolerate? What standards would they set?

  2. Start with One Area: Improvement in one area tends to spill over into others. For instance, committing to a fitness routine often leads to better dietary choices. Identify one key area where you can raise your standards immediately and let this success fuel changes in other aspects of your life.

  3. Build a Supportive Environment: Surround yourself with people who embody the high standards you aspire to. Whether it's mentors, peers, or inspirational figures, these relationships can provide motivation and a framework for what high standards look like in action.

  4. Celebrate Progress: Each step forward is a victory. Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. This not only reinforces positive behavior but also boosts your morale and commitment to high standards.

With these strategies in hand—defining your ideal self, starting small, and routinely checking your progress—it’s time to take action.

Weekly Challenge: This week, take a moment to evaluate your life. Are you where you want to be? Who do you want to be? If there's a gap, identify one standard you wish to improve. It could be as simple as reading before bed instead of watching TV, or as significant as demanding respect in your professional interactions.

Set the bar, make a plan, and take the first step. Remember, raising your standards starts with a decision—an identity shift that reshapes your habits and ultimately, your life. Start today and see where higher standards take you.

Best wishes, Lauren


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