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Persistence Pays in the Pursuit of Goals

Lately, I have been reminded that achieving any significant goal is a marathon, not a sprint. Whether it’s building a business, advancing a career, or mastering a new skill, success takes time, persistence, and a series of well-placed steps. However, staying motivated during the quieter periods—when progress seems to stall—can be a true test.

In the pursuit of any big goal, every effort counts.

For business owners, each client you connect with, or every piece of content shared online builds the foundation of future success.

For career professionals, every project completed, and every skill acquired sharpens their edge in a competitive field.

And for those learning new skills, each hour of practice brings them closer to mastery.

It's essential to remember that every expert once faced the same path. Early efforts might not attract much attention or acclaim, but they are vital. They refine our skills, expand our reach, and build our confidence.

Each small interaction, every piece of advice—it all accumulates.

During these quiet times, I encourage you, as I remind myself, to view these periods not as empty stretches but as opportunities for growth and preparation. What we build in quiet times lays the groundwork for when it becomes busy. It’s in these moments that we prepare ourselves for the rush of future accomplishments, for the days when we will enjoy the achievements we once dreamed about.

So, as a challenge this week, I encourage you to reflect on the steps you've taken toward your big goals so far, no matter how small. Identify one action you can take this week to advance even further. Perhaps it’s applying for a new job, taking a course to enhance your skills, or practicing a challenging hobby.

By embracing each phase of our journey, we build not just the path to our goals but also the resilience and character to enjoy them.

Keep running your race, step by step, and trust that each stride is moving you closer to where you want to be.

Best wishes, Lauren