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Why We Need to Disconnect to Reconnect

I recently read an article called Why Every Entrepreneur Should Take an 8-Hour Shower Each Week.

Author Jason Hennessey argued that creative ideas or aha moments don’t usually happen during client meetings, but when you are alone, relaxed, and your mind has time to wander. A shower, is one example.

I would agree.

We get so busy with our day-to-day routines and rituals. We forget to unwind. And it is in this unwinding that our best ideas arise.

My best ideas happen when I’m walking alone in nature or lounging by the pool. When I give myself space to just be, to think.

My ability to connect with others and my work also strengthens when I disconnect.

Like everyone else, I need to build relationships and connect with my work for it to be impactful. I need to engage in activities that bring me joy.

But we can become so consumed by work, relationships, and life that we can lose balance and perspective. By disconnecting, we connect much more to our creativity and to others.

By disconnecting with the busyness of life we connect with a slower, calmer pace. By disconnecting with the noise, we connect to focus. By disconnecting from stress, we connect with clarity and peacefulness.

This isn’t a valuable tool for entrepreneurs only. It has value for leaders and individuals.

These moments don’t have to be long. But what gets scheduled, often gets done. At least for me, that is true.

Knowing this, I make sure to schedule a vacation (or stay-cation) each year, block off 2 hours during the work week to think, take a 30-minute walk at lunch or meditation for 10-minutes a day. It doesn’t matter the form. It is the consistency that matters most.

Seeing fresh ideas and improved focus is what keeps me going.

Generating ideas and creating innovative processes keeps businesses afloat. Disconnecting also strengthens relationships and makes us a better boss, partner, parent and friend.

How can I afford not to find the time?

Best wishes, Lauren

P.s. If you would like help reconnecting with your staff and creatively aligning your programming, consider booking a free 30-minute consultation to see if we can help.