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Listening to a guided meditation today on the Calm app, I was reminded of the importance of Shoshin, beginner’s mind.

Shoshin is a word from Zen Buddhism that highlights the importance of dropping our preconceptions and taking an attitude of openness. Thinking like a beginner.

In business and in life, we often repeat the same behaviours.  

There is nothing wrong with repetition, except if it becomes static or we become complacent.

Approaching the same tactics and techniques with Shoshin provides wisdom.

Taking an attitude of openness keeps ideas fresh and knowledge often deepens. 

As I convert my understanding of organizational change in education to the world of business, I am experiencing Shoshin.

Learning the same concepts in a different context is making me think about things differently, more deeply.

Words I’ve heard before have new meaning and my responses to every day challenges are becoming more skillful.

Revisiting these familiar ideas helps to release my preconceived ideas and build upon concepts I’ve explored for decades.

As I was reminded, to create new or lasting change we sometimes need to return to the same teachings again and again.

For me, learning has become new and fresh again, with the openness of beginner’s mind.

Extending the invitation I received at the end of the meditation today, I invite you to consider what you could approach today with a beginner’s mind.

How might a beginner’s mind change how you conduct business?

Best wishes, Lauren 

P.s. If you’re interested in thinking about your business in a new way, consider booking a free 30-minute consultation to see if we can help.